1953 a.d.

This is an era of great transition -
For by now, we all have television!
The piano's silent as the tomb,
The books gather dust in another room.
Chessmen haphazardly tossed away,
Such toys are obsolete; no one will play!
To be seen reading Chaucer
(even in translation)
Could easily ruin a reputation.
We travel through snow and sleet and slush,
To converse with friends and they all say, "HUSH!"
Our children think fairy-tales are folly --
(the only exceptions are "Kukla and Ollie"!)
Our eyes are bugging, our brains are dead,
We've each got a picture tube for a head!
Philosophers are all wearing muzzles,
And poets pore over cross-word puzzles.
Into insanity we've been hurled,
With this magnificent brave-new-world.
