The only way for a poetess
To pen her lines freely, without stress,
Is to have the good foresight
To, from the beginning, start aright
By marrying a poet, who'd do without
Explanations; he'd know what it's all about!
He'd realize that in making a rhyme,
I have to work hard and can't spend the time
On things like running interference
So I'll not mix up his appearance
With some fictional character in my own mind
(Who's most likely, not even the marrying kind!)
And in poesy, if I'm "e'er true",
It will probably be, to "eyes of blue",
But I'm sure he'll read it with a perplexed frown,
'Cause he's quite aware we both know his are brown!
So I must make decision and end all strife:
Should one be poetess first, or wife?